Earth is my Cathedral
Earth Is My Cathedral is an interfaith, ecumenical, green ministry without walls created to celebrate Life in interactive gatherings, featuring original Earth-gospel-and-other-style songs, music, poetry and talks by minister and singer/songwriter Esther Frances.
The purpose of the gatherings is to appreciate and give thanks for the wonder of Life on Earth, increase awareness and respect for the sacred dimension of all that lives and to deepen and to expand our understanding of the interdependent web of life.
We will celebrate The Universe Story, a creation story for our times which is based on modern cosmology and physics and help usher in the "Ecozoic Era", which Eco-theologian Thomas Berry says is about the "transition from the period when humans were a disruptive force on the planet Earth to the period when humans become present to the planet in a manner that is mutually enhancing." We intend to foster kindness, love, peace, joy, fun, communication, community and communion with Spirit as a foundation for this transition to take place.
Earth Is My Cathedral is not a religion and respects the need for a multiplicity of religious and spiritual paths. We particularly enjoy inter-generational relationships. We embrace and encourage the need to cultivate a plurality of perspectives. We see the understanding of paradox as a way to dislodge polarities that can be divisive if not seen from a position that honors that there are many perspectives by which most situations, ideas, and actions can be viewed.
Earth Is My Cathedral ministry is dedicated to the recognition that "Every Body Is Sacred." As this perspective is realized by humans in our hearts and bones we feel that all human activities will be re-designed to respect cultural and bio-diversity and an eco-nomic system that respects rather than exploits Mother Earth will be created.
Earth Is My Cathedral welcomes invitations to congregations or community groups.
Esther is also available for rituals and celebrations of major life transitions such as birth, coming of age, graduations, kids leaving the nest, marriage, separation, divorce, healing, death of the body, anniversaries and other significant milestones.
Earth Is My Cathedral – Mission Statement in a Nutshell
Our primary focus is on the here, rather than the "here-after,"
Now, rather than then,
Fusion, a mix of Earth Gospel and Zen!
Kindness is the core,
Sun, the light, our golden ore
Moon, the dark, our silver spoon
To stir the Soul, She's wisdom's loon.
Songs and dance,
Laughter and tears,
Friendship and community,
Are our horn-of-plenty.
Sacred is the score,
Being is the way,
We come together to celebrate
The glory of each day!
"Take it on the road. We enjoyed the presentation very much. It was stimulating, cosmic, uplifting, positive, musical and dancible."
Verne Bell, Rock Tavern, NY Unitarian Universalist Congregation
"That was my favorite sermon ever. And believe me I've been to lots of them!"
Comment after the "U and the Uni-verse" talk, Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Kingston, NY
"It made me feel like loving everyone again."
Rae Schlecht,
About the 2009 Memorial Day service "Remembering to Remember," Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Kingston, NY
"Esther Frances has conducted many workshops here at Mirabai Books and our
community of seekers has devoured her sage teachings. Rarely have we
received so much positive feedback on a teacher. She has become an
integral member of our workshop faculty and we have the highest regard for
her professionally and spiritually."
Jeff Cuiule & Audrey Cusson, Mirabai Books, Woodstock, NY
"Earth Is My Cathedral was not only interesting, educational and relevant, but inspirational and entertaining as well. The presentation was both thought-provoking and one that reached the heart. Your perspectives on Earth as Community helped us to reflect of the importance of having a loving respect for each other while working together as interdependent beings to cultivate peace on the planet. Your use of songs helped to make the message more spirited and memorable. We would welcome your return to the UUCRT to present another program in the future."
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Rock Tavern, NY